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Writing for my recent exhibitions I've  tried bear in mind Susan Sontag’s well know caveat “I've seen the best writers of my generation destroyed by teaching,”  as well as the high standard of general knowledge, visual and cultural literacy I find in most who go to galleries.  Rather than a "press release" I see what needs to be known or emphasised as a more open opportunity.  Below are text from my show “NOPE” in December 2018 and “The Weird Wiles of Reprehensible’s Pensibles” in December 2017, and "Do you want me to break your face?  Sure I can do that.".  

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The Weird Wiles of Reprehensible’s Pensibles  

November 16 th to January 7th

In 2016 Alexander Hamilton spent six months living and working in New York. The Weird Wiles of Reprehensible’s Pensibles shows work done before, during and after his stay.  This title is styled after a sentence in James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake ”...(scolled becauld it was chalkfull of masterplasters and had borgeously letout gardens

strown with cascades, pintacostecas, horthoducts and currycombs) and set off from Ludstown a spasso to see how badness was badness in the weirdest of all pensible ways.”  Titles, and in particular words, will never say or do precisely what you want them to, especially in everyday speech.  The same also applies to matter, the base material that makes up the real non-symbolic world.   Responding to the subtle changes and differences in language and urban environment in the USA, UK and Australia, Alex works with and modifies the real, the everyday and the

unnoticed.   In his large drawings he uses photos he takes of a site, which he photocopies and enlarges before re-planning and reconfiguring, using drawing, which includes erasure.  He reworks each photo many times in a contradicting categorical breaking with the previous reworked photocopied photo.  In his work with texts and

books erasure also plays a large part. When we take a photo it is a cast of light on a flat surface and a slice of time which, like a drawing, is modified in our heads then modified again when seen in public and again as the private and public collide and adapt to each other.     

When we relate, describe, or make something stand in for reality, we revise, erase, insert, adapt, extend, and expand the real situation in an imagery of its deeper or supra real situation, in a similar way the processes through which Alex does his work points to the conceptual framework of his project, namely: by erasing key letters and words, the speech patterns of an American president are rendered more clear when they are seen as concrete sound shapes; place names go some but not all the way in designating real physical space; old joke books are seen as patterns of social behaviour and overt cultural re-engineering; and the energy of real spaces is excavated and made to overtly co-exist alongside its representation, constructing a real and meaningful present.

Alex Hamilton, November 2017

You want me to break your face? Sure, I can do that

-who are?

Snap, crumple crumple, Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuublam, blam, fwap oomph hmph zash hmph

-You want me to break your face? Sure, I can do that vwipggggggggggggggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaa

-Can you hear boss? Waste management get it?

zash ggggggggggggg twitch twitch stomp stomp stomp squish vip tree swooooooosh boom boom huff huff huff huff bang huff huff ba-bam wobble boom

-Your going to remember us-from what we did to you.

bwataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayank yank swoosh chi chi chi

-And now Ronny will amaze us all, by kicking the shit-out of you.

tween chi chi chi click click click click click click click c

--Were going to mess you badly some more, get it.

aaaaaaaaathuduuuuuu thud whud thud thud crunchggggg

-Were real sorry about that, here’s something more.

klaaaaga klaagt klaga klagaaaaa klgaklgaklagaklgaklgaluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggg splooshsqushsqushsqushsqshsqushsqushklagaklagaklgklgklgklgklgklg

-Im going to break every bone in your body.

thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud king crunch oomph splosh

-Hey what’s that speck of dirt& & & o, I just socked it to you again.

stagger vwash crash slip thud crunch klang crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch chrunch vwoom crash slip blob plop brwbrwbrwbrwv

-Get up, because, I want to bruise you real bad.

Rumble rumble rumble zzzzzzwooosh vrnn vrnn vrnn vrnn vrnn plop pump skreesh skreeeeeeeeesssssshhhhhhh tank vwoooh bwooom wobble bwaatatatatatatatatatatatatat brakabraka crank

-Hey bouncy I’m goanna break you into pieces.

shreeesha shreeeeeshaa shreeeeesha shreeeesha shreeeeesha shreeeesha blam gwooh crank whgha whgha whgha whgha

-Wanna see what my fist can do with the rest of you?

yammmmmer thump thump thump whud zing whgha whgha whgha whgha

-We don’t like you much at all, maybe this will help.

slump slump slum whgha whgha whgha whgha wgha whgha zha zha zha zha zha pughghghg

-Hey, damage ok with you ?

slump slump slump slump slump slump slump crackle

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